Commercial Broiler Farming

India ranks 3rd in egg production globally and ranked 5th in broiler production globally. Recommendation of National Institute of Nutrition suggests per capita consumption should be 180 eggs and 11 kg meat while actual consumption is 61 eggs and 3.9 kg chicken meat. Since broiler chickens are sold at the age of 6-8 weeks farmers find it easier to rear broilers. Broilers provide adequate employment opportunities to the poultry production system. In past few years, considerable progress has been made with respect to equipment, vaccines, technical guidance, etc. Owing to an improvement in the management practices, occurrence of mortality has decreased to a great extent. There are many institutes and private organizations providing training to entrepreneurs.

In this segment of Animal Husbandry, we have brought to you all the details like rearing period, feed management, etc along with a model project profile. Have a hassle-free rearing experience !!