Topic – Education
State – National
Sector – Law

Law is considered to be an exciting and noble profession with a visible impact. At the end of the day, you know your work makes a difference in the lives of people. Law requires years of hard work and dedication, in addition to the challenges of the profession. The journey does not end with you becoming a lawyer. Instead, it only intensifies with an increasing workload and a growing number of cases fighting for your attention. Nevertheless, the profession offers a plethora of opportunities and has a really wide scope as a career choice. 

There are many specializations that can be pursued if you want to be a lawyer. Make sure you pick a specialization that interests you and you know you will be good at. Here are the top 5 specializations that are gaining popularity in India today.

  • International Law: International relations between countries is a complex affair and the demand for International Law specialists has been on a rise because of globalization and improving global ties. Specializing in International Law would require you to deal with customs, tariffs, and treaties and customs that countries observe with one another.


  • Corporate Law: One of the most sought-after specializations, being a corporate lawyer allows you to work with big corporate houses and deal with major corporate issues like mergers and acquisitions, contracts and implementation, and corporate privileges and responsibilities. If this is the specialization that interests you, there is no dearth of opportunities in the field.


  • Tax Law: India has a variety of taxes that are levied across various sectors, including income tax, real-estate tax, Goods and Services Tax (GST), and many more. Due to the complexity of the calculation of taxes and the various aspects related to it, like issues of inheritance, sales, or private income calculation, the demand for tax lawyers in India has increased substantially.


  • Intellectual Property Law: This specialization deals with protecting the rights of individuals and entities regarding new inventions and creations. It could be in the form of patents, copyrights, or trademarks for any invention. Patents protect inventions from being used by other parties for a certain period and give exclusive rights to the party getting the patent. Copyrights do the same thing for expressive arts and trademarks are for the brand name and logo of entities. This is an advanced specialization that is gaining popularity among potential lawyers because there is a lot of scope for this particular specialization.


  • Cyber Law: A relatively new addition to the list of popular specializations for lawyers, this one is all about the legal aspects of activities carried on online, in the cyber world. Cybercrime can be committed against an individual, against property or against the government. It has been on the rise since the internet has penetrated to deeper levels of society. With this specialization, you can find opportunities in various sectors like IT, corporates, government sector, etc. that engage frequently in such cases.