
Mango pickle! Mango Ice-cream! Mango Juice! Mango Cake! Food and Beverages Industry is always in need of this raw material. Not only inside the nation, but India even exports mango to Middle East countries, Bangladesh and Europe. It is the largest commercial crop of India and occupies 36% of total area under fruit cultivation. The output from the ‘King of fruits’ in 2019-20 was around 20.26 million tonne. In NE states, mango is cultivated in Assam, Tripura, Manipur, foot hills of Mizoram and Meghalaya and around 25 varieties are grown in this part of the country. Mango being itself the king of the fruits can also make the farmers rich and well established and also help the entrepreneurs to grow successful. Explore this segment for more such ideas of cultivating and harvesting!