Laboratory services are an integral part of disease diagnosis, treatment, monitoring response to treatment, disease surveillance programmes and clinical research. Use of diagnostic techniques aid early diagnosis enabling appropriate and prompt intervention thereby reducing overall disease burden and promoting health. All laboratories are not equipped with facilities for carrying out complex investigations. The structure and function of a clinical laboratory varies according to the level of health care facility. Peripheral laboratories carry out simple tests like urine analysis and haemoglobin estimation whereas higher centers are equipped with sophisticated technology and trained manpower to carry out complex investigations. The laboratory testing market is segmented by type of testing into routine and specialty. Clinical testing is also carried out in physician office apart from hospitals and independent labs. The clinical laboratory testing services market is dynamic with rapid changes happening in the industry. The preference for point-of-care testing and personalized medicine has been growing each year, thus boosting the lab testing business. Major factors responsible for the growth of this market are aging population, increased healthcare spending and preference for preventive medicine. The other factors contributing to the steady growth are cost effectiveness of lab testing and increase in the integrated analytical systems. In addition, presence of untapped growth opportunities and the rapidly improving healthcare infrastructure in emerging markets are expected to offer growth opportunities for industry participants.